Cleaning Grills at Indian River Plantation

A beautiful morning out on Hutchinson Island. We cleaned and replaced some parts on a couple nice Weber Grills at Indian River Plantation. We contract with the HOA to clean and maintain their community grills. If your neighborhood has an HOA and community grills, ask your Board to give me a call!

Weber Genesis
Even though dozens of families use this sweet little 3-burner Weber Genesis, with our regular service and cleaning, it still works and looks like new.
Weber Genesis 4-burner
And this 4-burner Weber Genesis sits poolside all year long, so you can imagine the amount of grilling that goes on. We keep her clean and working safely and properly.

This condo community is right on the beach. The Florida heat, humidity and salty air can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time. We installed new heat shields and burners due to corrosion.

Most importantly, regular maintenance will save your grill, so you don’t have to replace it. If you have a grill that’s been loved a lot and is in need of servicing, give us a call. Our phone number is 772.285.2726. Our email form is here. You can also reach us on Facebook.

You Cook. We Clean.